For years, women have been shouldering their way through mass restrictions, fighting for the right to step onto football pitches and play equally with men. Although much is still to be done, they’re closer than ever to their goal. Read on to learn all about the rise of the women’s game. 

The 2023 FIFA findings adamantly attest to the growth of women’s soccer: over the past 4 years, the number of female footballers has increased by 24% and reached 16.6 million. Of those, nearly 4 million are registered players, and over 19 thousand are professionals.
How has this become possible? The exhaustive answer is below. This article explains how the game has risen to prominence, what roadblocks have stood in its way, and what imprint it has left. The topics covered are the sport’s history, hardships, growth, prospects, and more.   
Interest in female football among bettors has picked up in sync with the game’s strides. Today, women’s matches are must-haves at top betting websites. The India 1xBet site is the nation’s prime supplier of male and female football games for pre-match and in-play wagering.  

A Brief History of Women’s Football

Home to the game itself, Great Britain is unsurprisingly the birthplace of women’s football. The first recorded meeting between female sides dates back to 1881, and the first club originated in 1895. The pioneering British Ladies’ Football Club was initiated by women’s rights proponents.
World War I reshaped the football landscape, sending men to the battlefields and bringing women to factories and playing fields. Events featuring female footballers drew tens of thousands of spectators and were frequently better attended than men’s matchups.
The rosy picture and bright prospects of the sport were dashed in 1921 when the Football Association banned ladies from the game in England. The British ban sparked off similar prohibitions across the globe and forced female players to keep out of the public eye.  

Things started to change in the late 1960s, in sports and the public mind alike. As a result, the FA lifted the ban in 1970, and from that moment on, women’s soccer has gained momentum. The following are a few events that played an instrumental role in making the game’s history:
  • In 1970, the Women’s World Cup was held in Italy, with 7 teams participating.
  • In 1988, the first professional women’s national league was formed in Sweden.
  • In 1991, the FIFA Women’s World Cup competition was inaugurated in China.
  • In 1996, the women’s football tournament was included in the Olympic program.
  • In 2001, the UEFA Women’s Champions League uniting top clubs was founded.

Breaking Barriers: Challenges Faced by Women in Football

Even though the ban on female soccer was eventually removed, it took the FA almost 90 years to apologize. It’s sad but emblematic of the overall attitude toward girls and women in football, even nowadays. Female footballers have to overcome multiple barriers worldwide.   

Misogyny and discrimination are among the hurdles that have long kept women away from the game, especially in traditionalist regions with strict cultural and religious norms. For instance, it was not until 2021 that Saudi Arabia and Sudan established their national female soccer teams.
Financial barriers in women’s football are also hard to break. For a long time, there wasn’t even a slight sign of equality in investment and pay compared to men. Female clubs have always been badly financed, equipped, and supported institutionally and poorly covered by the media.   
The long-standing battle for equal pay in football is not without progress. Thus, the UEFA has increased funding for the female sport by 50%. And the notorious lawsuit by the U.S. women’s national soccer team resulted in a multimillion-dollar compensation award to the players.

The Global Rise of Women’s Football

The emergence of clubs, leagues, and competitions worldwide at the start of the twenty-first century demonstrates a genuine rediscovery of women's football. The boom has never thought to subside, which we’ve already proven above with the FIFA findings.


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